Panel Pages

Thursday, September 20, 2012


On Friday I had a great time at a murder mystery party for one of my friends. We had a great time dressing up and pretending to be a different person. I played the character, Lucy Cauhan, or something like that, a young girl and a tomboy. Wanna see my costume? Here:
It was Wild West themed


Whaddaya  think?

See my friend Fiona's view of the story, here!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

School has begun!

So, school has begun! We are a little late, but,oh well. How is it going so far?
Esther-7th grade
Jenna-4th grade
Kaelyn-2nd grade
Peter-still pre-school
Caedmon-Official trouble-maker

Jen and K


So, this one is backwards. These are my school books!

My pen box

When Mom leaves, Jenna starts writing on me. Notice the faces?

Writing on arm

Having a good old time

In-the-car faces

What do I see in the back of the car? This:
Caedmon loves to see outside

Jenna pondering things


Caedmon snoozing

Peter, smile!


But, Mom!

New Day

When a new day starts on a free day(all of summer vacation) I usually wake up at 9:00-11:00 AM, and just stay lying in bed for awhile. On a school day, Mom wakes us up, I open my eyes, go back to sleep, and Mom wakes me up again. It goes on like that for awhile, and then I eventually climb out of bed(more like fall off my ladder).
Free Day me
My sight as I wake up

My other sight as I wake up

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ballet under the stars

Me and  Mommy went to a ballet under the stars. There were lots of tables of freebies. And a professional hairstylist did my hair in a bun, then I got my pictures taken with 2 REAL ballet dancers!
My favorite dancer in the ballet show was a BEAUITFUL  ballet dancer with a blue sparkly leotard  and tutu!









(Jenna loves ballet:)--Esther)