Panel Pages

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hairstyles by Jenna: Pancaked Lace Braid

Pancaked Lace Braid

Model: Jenna Hartman


Hairstyles by Jenna: Headband Curls/Waves--FAIL

This one did not turn out as I expected! I ended up having to cut the  headband out of Esther's hair! Never use a sequined headband for this!

Headband Curls

Model: Esther Hartman


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Riddle of Strider

I love highlighters. I love the Lord of the Rings. And what do you get when you mix those two things? A Lord of the Rings poem in highlighter! This poem is one of my favorite: The Riddle of Strider.

Hairstyles by Jenna: 3D Split Braid Waves--FAIL

(I just did a 3D Split Braid and let her sleep in it, remember to lightly wet the hair down)

3D Split Braid Waves

Model:Esther Hartman

 After a deep sleep!

A soft brushing!


Hairstyles by Jenna: Hairstyling Box

I just came up with a great idea, a hairstyling box! I used an animal crackers plastic bin.

What I have inside:

-Smoothing Brush
-Hair Bands
-Elastics (I'm using rainbow loom rubber bands)
-Glitter Hairspray (You can use regular hairspray)
-Bendini Hair Clip
-Bunheads Hair Nets (I use them for dance)
-Bun Cover (Dance again)
-Hair Scrunchies
-Goody Bobby Pins (My favorite hair brand)
-Stretchy Headbands
-Crown Headbands

Hairstyles by Jenna: Pancaked 4 Strand Waterfall Braid

(This would look very nice if you went all the way to the back on both sides then connect them!)

Pancaked 4 Strand Waterfall Braid

Model: Kaelyn Hartman


Hairstyles by Jenna: Paper Towel Curls

(I forgot to take an after picture! Sorry. But curls came out nicely)

Paper Towels Curls

Model: Jenna Hartman (Did it on myself)

Slept with a hat!


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Answers to Close-Up Contest


1. Lego's (10)
 2. Soccer Ball (10)
 3. A Battery (10)
4. Matches (10)
5. A Crayon (10)
6. Classic Jenga (Hard one, 20 points)


And congrats to our winners:

Olivia Reese


 Lego's, cow, battery, matches, bill board, crayon.



  Points: 40



Dee Hartman



Post later


Points:Post later


Daddy's Birthday Hike