This is Kaelyn and I am super excited to show you something that I thin is really cool but before we get to that I want to say something, I don't really expect allot of people to be reading this because....well we haven't posted anything for a long time!! And we are sorry, its just we forget very easily. everybody now is on Facebook and so I am going to write on this blog because I cant get Facebook for another 2 years! Usually I have the house to myself in the mornings because my brothers and sister go to a sports camp. So today I was trying out a fruit roll up recipe (if you can call it that, it was so easy!) that I saw on another website its called: How To: Make Homemade Fruit Roll-Ups - Our Best Bites
If you want to make really easy fruit roll ups go to that website. But anyway i am going to share my results with you, The first roll up I made was apple cinnamon but I left it in the oven just a little bit to long.
The second one I made was a grape one and I turned of the Oven a
little early and went to bed...... in the morning it had dried
beautifully and i cut them into lines and then rolled them up!

Love this . . . they look great.