Panel Pages

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Around the House

Okay, we definitely haven't been keeping up with our blog lately. Christmas has past, and that went great. In this post, I'm going to tell what our house is like at the moment. I'm typing this up on the computer in Mom and Dad's room. Jenna, Peter, and Caedmon are playing tag in the Living Room; Jenna explaining the game and the other just running around randomly. Kaelyn is doing her chores. Mom is making dinner. Dad is working in his office downstairs.
Tonight I'm going to try out Youth Group again, but I still don't know about it.
The Cabin
What should I write about! I wish I could share pictures, but the computer won't let me, tells me I have to buy more space. Anybody know how to fix that, by the way? If so, please let me know, by leaving a note on the blog.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

God's Great Outdoors: By Jenna

This is a poem I wrote to put in my nature journal:

God's Great Outdoors : By Jenna Hartman

God's great outdoors it's a wonderful thing,
all the animals, insect, and hummingbirds that sing.
Anytime we look outside we see a beautiful thing,
God's glorious creation, such a fascinating bling.
Everything that the Lord has made is wonderful and awesome,
sometimes it is hard to think that he made even every little opossum.