Panel Pages

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jenna Brynne Hartman

9 years ago on January 12, 2003, a new person entered the world. This was not ordinary person, it was my sister. It was Jenna Brynne Hartman. I remember that I was so excited to be getting a sister. I also remember that I wanted to name her "Tape". To this day I love her. She continues to love ballet, fairies, reading, and Jesus.   She went from this:

To This:

Okay, That isn't the best picture but still, she is a good sister.

Nutcracker Collector
A girl with a cute smile and shiny hair:)

So, we love Jenna, and we are thankful that God brought her into this world.

1 comment:

  1. We are thankful for you also, Jenna! Happy Birthday from the Jerome family.
